Services are offered to all South Africans, or foreigners living in South Africa.

Services are offered to both males and females above the age of 18yrs.

Consultations will be provided by Dr Jakoet, or a locum medical doctor.

Consultations are offered via Whatsapp Phone calls or Video calls.

Services Offered

Sexual Health
Management of the sexual health of patients. Prevention of sexually transmitted infections: STIs/STDs, prevention of HIV, and prevention of unplanned pregnancies.
Family Planning
Consulting women who would like further information regarding family planning, counselling and contraception prescriptions.
STI Preventions
STI Prevention by issuing post-exposure medication. After sexual intercourse, medication may be given to reduce the risk of getting sexually transmitted infections.
HIV Prevention
PrEP and PEP consultations: Pre-exposure Prophylaxis and Post-exposure Prophylaxis. HIV Prevention is given if: had unprotected intercourse, unknown status of partner, positive status of partner, having multiple partners, or if requesting HIV Prevention to be safe.
Emergency Contraception
For women requesting Emergency contraception: To issue Emergency Contraception within 72 hours of sexual intercourse to prevent unplanned pregnancies.
If you have any questions or request further information regarding STIs, HIV, PrEP, PEP and family planning, we are happy to provide you with a health education session.

Virtual Consultation Fees

R 300 for 10-15min consultation.

R 500 for 15-30 min consultation.

Payment needs to be made at least 1 hour before the appointment.